昨晚华为在伦敦发布了新款旗舰手机 Ascend P6,据称是全球最薄的智能手机,假想敌为三星的 Galaxy S4。发布会前,余承东接受《金融时报》采访称:“我们正在考虑进行此类并购,也许会有强强联合的效应,但是还得看 Nokia 的态度,对此我们是持开放态度的。”
消息传出,Nokia 的股票猛然上涨 11% 至 4.10 美元,接着又有小幅下跌,最终收盘价为 3.90 美元。跌回去的原因很可能是因为,随后华为就出了个官方声明否认有收购 Nokia 的计划,金融时报的报道时因为当时沟通有误。
Nokia 是现在 Windows Phone 的顶梁柱,而华为一直是 Android 阵营的大将,若要收购可能很难过微软这一关。虽然 Nokia 的设备部和服务部相对安全,但是为通信网络提供设备和解决方案的诺西通信技术公司就不一定了。华为若能拿下诺西,可以进一步加强自己的实力,拉近自己同三星苹果的距离。丙通MRO供应商
By Tiernan Ray
Shares of Nokia (NOK) are up 41 cents, or 11%, at $4.10, during in mid-day trading following an article a short while ago by the Financial Times’s Daniel Thomas, who writes that Chinese smartphone and networking vendor Huawei is open to buying Nokia, citing remarks by its head of consumer products.
“We are considering these sorts of acquisitions; maybe the combination has some synergies but depends on the willingness of Nokia. We are open-minded,” remarked Huawei’s Richard Yu, in an interview in London, writes Thomsas.
I would note that shares of BlackBerry (BBRY) are up 57 cents, or almost 4%, at $14.87, in part lifted by increased estimates from RBC Capital Markets’s Mark Sue this morning. However, there was also an item on the tape this morning that takeover speculation is once again swirling around BlackBerry shares. It’s not clear if it is related to the Huawei remarks.丙通MRO供应商