苹果放出iOS 7 Beta 2
苹果今天正式放出了 iOS 7 的 Beta 2 版本,该版本不仅支持 iPhone 和 iPod,也正式支持 iPad 和 iPad Mini。
同时还引入了新的 Voice Memos 应用,男女双音的 Siri 也可以用了,而其运行速度要比第一版快不少,不过目前貌似只支持英文。
根据macrumors给出的截图,其大小在 237MB 左右,预计苹果将在今年晚些时候推出 iOS 7,并在秋季推下一代 iPhone。
9to5mac给出了 iPad 版的大量截图,与之前苹果官方展示的效果差不多,整体的感觉是 iPhone 的放大版。MRO工业品
Two weeks after Apple released the first beta version of iOS 7 following its unveiling at the company's Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple has just released a second beta for testing. The update is currently available through Apple's over-the-air updating system on iOS devices, and should be posted soon to the iOS Dev Center.
The beta 2 appears as build 11A4400f, up from the previous 11a4372q.
iOS 7 is scheduled for release in the fall of this year, undoubtedly alongside new iOS hardware. Apple's iPhone, iPad, and iPad mini will all be due for updates in the latter portion of this year, and if past history is any indication iOS 7 should be made available to the public just a few days before the launch of the next-generation iPhone.
Updates on changes in beta 2:
- Beta 2 is available not only for iPhone and iPod touch, but also iPad and iPad mini. The first beta released alongside the WWDC keynote did not include official iPad support, with Apple announcing that iPad versions of iOS 7 would follow in the coming weeks.
- In line with previous hints, the Voice Memos app has returned in beta 2.
- The new male and female Siri voices showed off by Apple at WWDC are now available in English.
- Multiple users are reporting that Siri is much faster than in beta 1.
- In addition to iOS beta 2, Apple has also released Xcode 5 Developer Preview 2 and a second beta of Apple TV Software version 5.4.
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